Ukraine is the cause of the swift dismissal of progressivism not gender theory! Trumpism won because Ukraine lost.
The true failure of unbridled left of the last decades is rooted in its counterproductive gobbling up on resources. The need for Ukraine to exist as a step to gobble up what results from decolonizing Russia is the picture of the complete inefficiencies tainting the ideology.
Despite fanatic believers, despite its moral founded on universal humane values, the war hawks have shown the dire state of the US state.
Trump won because Ukraine didn’t “win”. Don’t be fooled with race, gender, class, they’re distraction topics. Had Ukraine managed to cause regime change in Kremlin puberty blockers would have been sent free of change in advance when your child hit 12 yo. The unbridled-ness had no control over itself, all it required was more.
The eastern side of the Empire – also known as Europe – couldn’t deliver. Too poor to buy enough LNG and subscriptions. Too diverse to submit completely. Too invaded to have cohesive vision. Too corrupt to defend itself.
So the Empire looked west. What a land Russia is. If they could only “rebuild” and “bring democracy” to it, the empire could carry on unweaving society and sharpening social engineering for hundreds of years. Free money used to soothe the pain of the aimless citizens would come from the oil, wood, ore and healthy humans to be exploited.
But Ukraine failed. So the people who hold the reins of power stopped trusting the ideology. The ideology did not deliver. It’s that simple:
- to alter society contrary to human nature is painful, despite the noble ideas
- to soothe the pain there is a giver who gives but the giver consumes
- to have more wars on top of wars are required
- when wars fail there is nothing left to give
- the establishment turns right
Every single time. Because sadly those who want to engineer society against human nature want it for themselves not for the good of human kind. So, they’ll be back at it. As soon as the right turn makes wars winnable again we’ll be back at disassembling humans into parts.
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