The Beatitudes And The Samsara

How Jesus described karma and dharma in a few sentences

Oh, hard brain stretch ahead. This is a sort of a brain fever but, a while ago, it broke a lot of conditioning inside me, which the baptism I never asked for instilled. So, we’re at the top of the carousel, here we go.

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven.

Poor in spirit is the uninitiated. If the poor in spirit lay awaiting for the transcendence then they are organically separated from the complexity and beauty of the world around. Thus the Samsara is a lie, the trick of the snake in that tree in Eden. The uninitiated shall not see either the ways of the lie nor the path for freeing itself of it.

Don’t await on the kingdom to come to you, but you go towards it.

Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted.

The comfort that brings one floating back up. You mourn and you get comforted after despair and violence, because the Samsara is painful. This is where the roots of suffering as salvation are.

Stop getting comforted so you won’t have to start all over again.

Blessed are the meek: for they will inherit the earth.

The promised inheritance is the nature, so it is all without subjective value, meaning resources not wealth. The meek will inherit, but the parents are poor and without wealth, and in this sense the Samsara is endless — there is no “end of the world”, someone, a meek, shall go on from scratch, working the land to rip subjective value out of it, the wealth that will be spoiled on his wandering sons.

Don’t inherit for you shall work tenfold the inheritance.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness: for they will be filled.

Righteousness is real only for a being who is omnipresent and omniscient. To be hungry and thirsty for righteousness is not a wise choice because for the entirety of your life your perspective is subjective, which is why the Samsara is karmic. Hunger for objectiveness while you are locked in a subjective sensory angle — only you feel like you — makes objectivity doubtful and one prone to error. Error is always repaid, so is success, because they both cause change and your changing of the world shall equally change you back: karma.

Do not ever get filled with righteousness, but stay hungry so that you shall never be fed right back the justice you’ve imparted.

Blessed are the merciful: for they will be shown mercy.

The one thing mercy does is to generate more mercy. The mercy exchange in an universe governed by chaos is a good description of the Samsara as a fractal. Chaos theory explains how a whole complex system can start from a few simple interactions iterated and then reiterated for a while. The apparently random and complex connections between people are in fact based on an inherited set of fatidical interactions that work in spite of the clarity of one’s own life.

Don’t take the mercy, because the mercy you take today shall turn you in a mercy giver tomorrow, and then this will go on and on until you’ll loose the start of it all.

Blessed are the pure in heart: for they will see God.

The purity of the heart is illusory. Only with a pure hart may you see God, but in your background the uncontrollable subconscious is unfolding, therefore the Samsara is a riddle. The subconscious goes on autopilot, and, while awake and anchored in reality you are clueless about what goes on in the depths of the unheard silent mind. Therefore, when you finally get to look up at God you’re welcomed by a antic Sphinx who will riddle you with all that happened while you weren’t looking.

Do not try to see God, while you still don’t see yourself, or you might slide into the abyss.

Blessed are the peacemakers: for they will be called children of God.

Peace is not a tangible thing that is why it is always based on an unfavorable compromise for the looser. A child of God makes peace but the peace treaty is a negotiation, that is why the Samsara is unjust. A negotiation is a deal where someone always looses.

Don’t flaunt as a descendant of God on Earth so that you can gauge the size of the injustice you cause, before you ratify it.

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

If you hold your principles strong you need no rewards for holding them. The incompatibility of righteousness as a principle to be persecuted for with the idea of a kingdom as a reward shows us that the Samsara is abstract. It means that the moment you think you’ve figured out what’s happening, the Samsara will suddenly jump on an even higher level of abstraction, harder to grasp, and it keeps doing it up until time will end your quest.

Don’t step into that kingdom for you shall lock yourself on the inside.