The religious experience

This is the knowledge:

When I reason, I imagine; when I imagine, it manifests; when it manifests, I understand. This is heaven.

When I am not afraid, I am guilty; when I am not guilty, I am proud; when I am not proud, I am afraid. This is hell.

Both in the same place at the same time.

This is life: the wandering of the spirit,

Part YIN

When I am afraid, I have faith; when I have faith, I become; when I become, I am afraid.

When I reason, I am proud; when I am proud, I am guilty; when I am guilty, I reason.


When I am afraid, I am fulfilled; when I am fulfilled, I believe; when I believe, I am afraid.

When I reason, I am guilty; when I am guilty, I am proud; when I am proud, I reason.

This is the return: the discipline of the spirit.

Embracing separation. Individualization.

When I reason, I am not guilty, because I understand myself.

When I reason, I am not proud, because I trust myself.

When I reason, I know I am only submitting to God’s will, and when I reason, I know there is nothing to be guilty about, because I am not perfect.

Embracing the light. Return.

When I have faith, I am not afraid.

When I become, I am not afraid.

When I believe, I lay my actions into God’s hands, and I am not afraid to be with God, when I become I see it’s all God’s will and I am not afraid.

Let go of hell.