Having spent half my statistical life expectancy I look around and see that nobody from my generation managed to change their social class upwards in the absence of some severely rare lucky strike. Those who were rich are still rich. Those in the middle stayed in the middle. The poor are still poor.
Sure the liberal capitalist will still use their coping tweezers to prick out the one or two folks who did get significantly richer for a class upgrade. I know one man and one woman. Out of hundreds and hundreds of people. Everyone else remained in the brackets of their parents.
The revealed truth is that the only reasonable way to change social class is by generational sacrifice. Generations that make lots of children and manage to keep the family above all else will have a shot to calculate and build their trajectory to a higher class. But it has to be culturally internalized that it is good to ascend socially and the family has to be part of the dominant culture – for instance a Roma family as extended as it may be probably won’t ascend because their culture is a guest in someone else’s house.
This makes you wonder if the priests of death, who preach overpopulation and saving endangered green lizards over human communities, are really concerned of Malthusian futures occurring or are they concerned with the last possible means of social ascension? Is the culturally engineered low natality an oppression game that should be seen as part of the class struggle? I think, yes.